Protected: At Least It’s Not Like China

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The Cost of Living in Taichung, Taiwan

One of the most important things to understand when living somewhere is the cost of living there: many will need to use a home affordability calculator in these circumstances (like those found on SoFi) to see what expenses are for their home. This is my report on my cost of living in Taichung, Taiwan, as […]

The Truth About BDSM

You know those TV commercials that start with biking in the park, and a happy couple together, and the suddenly the voiceover announces the guy has genital herpes…but it’s all just perfectly fine! Both partners feel safe and secure and it brought the relationship closer together and so on and so forth. Then comes the […]

The Application of Guerrilla Warfare in an Academic Setting – Written January 5, 2005

It is ironic that Che Guevara’s most famous words, “Hasta la victoria siempre,”1 would be contrary to his ideas about guerrilla warfare. While his cause was Communist economic and social equality his methods of achieving this were based in deception and strategic offense, rarely relying on unity except within the ideals. Guerrilla warfare, a revamp […]