Israel Is the Bully You Hated

I hear a lot of people saying Israel is justified in what it does.  That they’re standing up for themselves.  Americans love that rhetoric, because so many of us still think we’re Rambo Cowboys fighting for truth and justice.  But here’s the reality. In 2007, for every one Israeli death there were 25 Palestinian deaths. […]

My Opinion on the War in Iraq – Written November 7, 2002

07 November 2002 Many opinions have been stated about the current situation that the United States of America has placed itself in regarding Iraq. Before I get into my opinions, let me first say I am an avid supporter of war. Though I find war itself a brutal and barbaric act of lunacy, I also […]

Honor’s Logic Final Paper – Written April 30, 2004

The following was printed in the High Point Enterprise April 20 of this year… Bush boosts U.S. security The war in Iraq is the right thing to do.  I agree with Bush: “Stay the course.” I admire Bush for doing what Clinton failed to do by removing a threat to this nation and making it […]