Moving to Taiwan: Avoiding Disaster

There are always people moving to Taiwan. I talk a lot about it in what I write; I give a lot of advice on this site regarding moving to Taiwan, getting settled in Taiwan, and living in Taiwan. What a challenge a move like this can be. For a start, you have to consider what […]

How to Improve Your Relationships With Others

I like to solve problems.  There’s nothing like a good mystery or puzzle or riddle.  Figuring things out gives me a lot of pleasure; finding a solution is pure elation.  It took me a long time to realize that’s not always the approach to take. Learning this lesson is entirely thanks to my history of […]

More Fun With ChinaTrust and Bank of America: The Madness of International Transfers in Taiwan

I recently wrote a blog about banking with ChinaTrust and Bank of America.  So, I sent the money transfer from Bank of America to ChinaTrust; it cost me $35US ($1200NT).  BoA’s policy states that the money will arrive within two days, which it did; I checked online and confirmed it was delivered  then went to my […]

Can It Really Be That Simple?

My entire life, I’ve suffered from chronic sinusitis. I have permanent dark circles under my eyes and a constant stuffy nose, thanks to my being allergic to most every kind of grass/pollen/tree/dust/mold on the planet. It sucks, but the worst part isn’t actually the near-continuous sinus infection that is my life; the worst part is […]