Know Your Audience

Know Your Audience In high school, I had a teacher that always told us, “Know your audience.” Most times, I act like I couldn’t give a damn about my audience, but I find that’s really not the case. While I don’t write solely for my audience – this piece, for example, is far more for […]

Just Another Victim of Toilet Bowl Syndrome

I had a dream last night where a man came to me and insulted what I write. Told me it’s bullshit because it’s not really how I feel. That’s bullshit, I told him.  I write exactly how I feel.  One of the things that writers have the ability to do is genuinely communicate what they […]

A Joseph Fritz Original Quote – A Vast Amount of Words

The amount of words I’ve written is nothing compared to the amount that I’ve erased.

I Need To Write Every Day

I’m going to try to start doing that more, like I did in college. Back then, I was impressed when I would pound out 8000 words in an all-nighter.  Now, I can do 2000 words an hour without breaking a sweat. So, why don’t I write more? As I age, am I becoming more jaded? […]

This Blog Is Disgusting

This blog has been operational for about a year.  Last spring, I decided to put all my old work on here, for people to read – everything from when I was in high school up until my late 20s.  I put a lot of academic writing on there and a lot of personal writing from […]

I Should Know My Self By Now

But, don’t get me wrong. I know. At least, I think I know better than most. I’ve spent most of my life in existential exploration and what is true for me now is as true for me as it has ever been: All knowledge is self-knowledge. Anything we think about the world or about anything, […]

I Just Smoked A Cigar on the Balcony

I don’t understand this world that I live in. Which, I guess, doesn’t really say much.  I’ve never really understood this world I live in and I don’t think many other people do, either.  Those that do write books or become entrepreneurs or politicians.  Me?  I’m still stuck in the “figuring it out” phase of my life. […]

An Explanation of This Blog

I’ve been writing for many years, but up until recently, I never had a place to put my writings, beyond handing them off to friends.  About two months ago, I decided that I wanted to share what I had written over the last decade with everyone. Much of what I write is considered “stream of consciousness” or […]

Why I Write – Written November 11, 2002

I was once assigned a paper by a professor of mine, Mr. Gaspeny. This would have been no problem except that he said the paper required a title. I loathe titles – nothing that I write ever initially has a title. When I told Mr. Gaspeny said I don’t “do titles,” he said, “Well…the High […]