Imagine What A Terabyte Will Look Like in a Decade

(all dollars are 2014 US dollars) The first Model T cost $21,000 in 1908; by 1957, a Chevy Bel Air cost $17,000; today, a Chevy Malibu costs $22,000.   Sold in 1947, the first microwave cost $53,000; by 1983, that cost was reduced to $1,200; today, microwaves can be had for less than $50.   In 1961, IBM […]

I Should Know My Self By Now

But, don’t get me wrong. I know. At least, I think I know better than most. I’ve spent most of my life in existential exploration and what is true for me now is as true for me as it has ever been: All knowledge is self-knowledge. Anything we think about the world or about anything, […]

Change Is Not Always Progress – Written February 21, 2003

Sometimes, in the course of a nation’s events, it becomes necessary to re-structure the government. Most revolutions in Earth’s recorded history can pinpoint their catalyst in a dynamic realization about the ways things are and the way they ought to be. Humanity is long overdue for an Enlightenment, but before each revolution there must be […]