This Blog Is Disgusting

This blog has been operational for about a year.  Last spring, I decided to put all my old work on here, for people to read – everything from when I was in high school up until my late 20s.  I put a lot of academic writing on there and a lot of personal writing from […]

Selective Service: A Feminist Perspective – Written February 15, 2001

Jodie Foster once said, “Ninety-five percent of women’s experiences are about being a victim. Or about an underdog, or having to survive…women didn’t go to Vietnam and blow things up.” Perhaps that is because women are not only not required to register for Selective Service, but they are also not allowed to register. Selective Service […]

An Explanation of Feminism – Written December 17, 2004

Recently, I began noticing an extraordinary amount of students expressing dissatisfaction at the systems that are in place without taking into regard how the systems worked, just what they desired the systems to be. Without a real understanding of exactly how things work, it is difficult to change them; ergo I was motivated to write […]

Change Is Not Always Progress – Written February 21, 2003

Sometimes, in the course of a nation’s events, it becomes necessary to re-structure the government. Most revolutions in Earth’s recorded history can pinpoint their catalyst in a dynamic realization about the ways things are and the way they ought to be. Humanity is long overdue for an Enlightenment, but before each revolution there must be […]