Just Another Victim of Toilet Bowl Syndrome

I had a dream last night where a man came to me and insulted what I write. Told me it’s bullshit because it’s not really how I feel. That’s bullshit, I told him.  I write exactly how I feel.  One of the things that writers have the ability to do is genuinely communicate what they […]

Raw Data Regarding Voting Records, Graduation Rank, GDP Rank, and Welfare Rank

Voting Records (from Presidential Elections) Red – Voted mostly Republican since 1999 Purple – Even split since 1999 Blue – Voted mostly Democrat since 1999   Graduation Rank (lower number is better) 1 being the most undergrads living in the location 51 being the fewest undergrads living in the location   GDP Rank (lower number is better) 1 being […]

Statistical Correlations of GDP Per Capita, Welfare, and Voting by State

I hear a lot of people talk about freeloaders, in every election.  Conventional wisdom dictates that the states with the most people taking handouts and the states with the lowest GDP per capita would vote Democrat, in hopes of improving their lives through government handouts.  Sadly, I rarely see statistics on these assumptions – only empty rhetoric. And […]

Statistical Correlations of Education and Voting by State

I analyzed the results from the last four elections for the US Presidency. The statistical correlations are unbelievable.

The Truth About BDSM

You know those TV commercials that start with biking in the park, and a happy couple together, and the suddenly the voiceover announces the guy has genital herpes…but it’s all just perfectly fine! Both partners feel safe and secure and it brought the relationship closer together and so on and so forth. Then comes the […]

Part I – Energy – Written 2002

Spirituality is a topic I’ve dealt with my entire life. I was brought up Methodist and confirmed Episcopalian, but I never really believed any of it; it all seemed too simple. From the time I could have independent perceptions about the world I questioned what was taught in every philosophy or theology I encountered. There […]

The Reality of The Partnership for a Drug Free America – Written in 2003

I have never claimed myself a journalist – I write what I write to entertain, not inform – the fact that my material has educational value is insignificant to my desire to simply write what I think and feel. Recently, however, I was watching Bill Maher on CNN, who mentioned something about how the leading […]

We All Wear Masks – Written November 4, 2002

Ever since I was a young child, I have interacted with people. Before I knew what a case study was, I was performing them on everyone I met. Each person I meet I follow the same procedure. First, I get to know the person and see who I think they are. Then, I watch them […]