Worst Visa Run: Camping at the Hong Kong Airport

I’ve written about visa runs in the past, but I’ve never included details on the worst visa run you can do: camping out in the Hong Kong airport for a few hours in the earliest of the morning hours. Doing this without proper provisions is something I wouldn’t recommend.  Though, to be fair, even with my […]

Cheapest Way from Hong Kong Airport into Hong Kong

There are lots of ways to do things, but I’m going to tell you the cheapest way from Hong Kong Airport into Hong Kong. The most publicized way to go from Hong Kong Airport to Hong Kong is to take the Airport Express, a “high-speed” train that costs, depending on destination, HK$100, HK$90 and HK$60.  Round-trip is […]

The TSA Doesn’t Care About Passenger Safety

Take even a casual glance at American airport security and it’s clear that the TSA doesn’t care about passenger safety. Even the name “TSA” stands for “Transportation Security Administration,” having nothing to do with travelers and having everything to do with the objects that transport them; their behavior reflects this through the enigmas that are […]

Taichunger’s Guide: Classy Overnight in Hong Kong for Under NT$10000

by Joseph Fritz  all prices listed in New Taiwan Dollars   (NT4:HK1 / NT30:US1 / NT40:EU1) For many expatriates in Taiwan, leaving the country every 60-to-90 days is a normal part of life, and it can be a frustrating part of it.  I handle these blasé-but-necessary overnight trips by traveling at as high a standard as possible, […]

Detailed Taichung Population Density

This Is a Simple But Detailed Taichung Population Density Report If you’re moving to Taichung, you’re probably looking online to find a detailed Taichung population density information.  Officially, Taichung has 2.6 million people spread out over 1500mi2 translating into a population density of around 1800 per mi2, but that’s pretty misleading.  90% of the population lives in […]

Best Christmas Surprise Ever For My Mom

Best Christmas Surprise Ever For My Mom   This video was taken by me on December 17, 2011, after a 32-hour trip from Taichung, Taiwan, to Little Rock, Arkansas. After being away on the other side of the world (Taiwan) for a year, I surprised my mother by coming home (to the USA) for Christmas. She […]