Worst Visa Run: Camping at the Hong Kong Airport

I’ve written about visa runs in the past, but I’ve never included details on the worst visa run you can do: camping out in the Hong Kong airport for a few hours in the earliest of the morning hours.

Doing this without proper provisions is something I wouldn’t recommend.  Though, to be fair, even with my bag of tricks, the couple of hours of sleep you get is hardly quality.  I had to do it a few times years ago, when I first moved to Asia, but I decided to make this video recently so I had something to upload to my channel.  Enjoy.



As a bonus feature, check out the awesome inflatable neck pillow I love!



I hope my worst visa run to Hong Kong – camping at an airport – was entertaining.

4 thoughts on “Worst Visa Run: Camping at the Hong Kong Airport

  1. Why do you have to campout overnight? I’ve done visa runs to leaving Taiwan-Hong Kong in the morning and back to Taiwan in the evening, on weekends. Is there any possible problems with the later?

  2. Hello,
    Newbie question. I have read most of your other blogs and just want to confirm my understanding.
    —>??? When you make a Visa Run, do you have to visit a government office or just transit through an airport in another country? I hold a USA passport.

    Note: I am planning to move to Taiwan, probably to Tainan. I want to just “live” for a couple of years and not have to worry about working or school etc. The Visa Runs sounds like a a viable option for my plans.

    I do like your “straight shooting” style. I hate to decipher people’s meaning from cryptic writing.
    Perhaps we can get a beer/tea/soda, when I finally make the move.

    • Thanks Perry!

      All a “visa run” requires is a departure from the airport you’re returning to. You don’t even need to pass through customs at the other airport, technically. Many people do it in around six hours, total. You can do it, now, through Taichung airport, for around $100US.

      Best of luck in the move! Taichung is on the way to Tainan, so feel free to hit me up!

      • Hi I am also interested in going taiwan this summer without any idea how long I want to stay. I just have a few questions. Firstly if I buy a ticket to Taiwan do I have to buy also buy a departure ticket? I have no idea when I want to leave. In terms of efficiency would you recommend I buy a ticket to taiwan then also purchase a ticket 90 days after for a trip to hong kong? Also to make sure I dont have to apply for any visas if I am holding a US passport (based on the taiwan visa site- visa exempt entry). I find all of your pots extremely interesting and slowly sifting through all of them!

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